Follower Adraen

Follower Adraen is a WIP project being worked on by myself and Enstone.

I’m working on all Creation Kit (CK) work, and he’s assisting me with the writing and creation of our character, Adraen.

Adraen is a follower who will draw from many unique and inspiring follower mods out there – Inigo, RTT, Arissa, etc. This means that there will be a LOT of features, some unique to him and many that have already been included in mods such as the above.

  1. Hundreds upon hundreds of unique lines of dialogue
  2. Location and quest aware dialogue
  3. A main quest for Adraen
  4. A relationship system
  5. Extensive customization
  6. Interactive training system [WIP]
  7. New custom-made armor
  8. New spells
  9. Voice acting

It’s very ambitious, yes. But we’ve got the talent to take it on, and it will be a while. We’re aware of that. We’ve both got other projects occupying our time, and real lives. But we’ll work on it when we can and do as much as possible. The voice acting will be taken care of by myself – I know a LOT of VAs and I will find one with good quality who is willing to voice the lines. It’s possible – and it doesn’t have to be me who’s voicing it. I’ve got connections with quite a few, so it’ll happen. But that will be coming in when the first release is near, which it is not. I’ll be posting updates on Adraen’s progress as I go, and taking input from y’all.

Adraen’s first release will also include a BASIC version with no extra customizability, relationship system, main quest, training system, or extra dialogue. The main quest and relationship system will be toggleable through an MCM when he is released.

The main quest may come as a second update, or in the initial release. We’ll see how it turns out.

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